October 03-28,2022: African Great Lakes Peacebuilding and development Institute
The 18th Session of the Annual Peacebuilding and Developement Training of GLPI was held at MUGATUTU,the MIPAREC Conference Center in Gitega, Burundi during the periode of 03 to 28 of October 2022. This is the annual month-long training institute organized by GLPI in the month of October. Participants come from the Great Lakes region or anywhere across Africa. The training, which is done in both English and French, is comprised of eight week-long course modules on peacebuilding and organizational and community development which participants could choose from. The full month includes classroom-based discussions, group activities, field visits, week-end teambuilding activities, panel presentations, special learning sessions, opening and closing ceremonies, football match and cultural solidarity night. There is an option to attend the entire month or only certain weeks.

This year 2022, we have successfully held our Annual Peacebuilding Trainings in the month of October, gathering more than 60 peace practitioners from Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Angola, Ethiopia, Cambidia and Tchad. They represent different sectors such as international and national non-profit institutions, churches, youth groups, women’s associations, and peacebuilding, development and humanitarian organizations

The 2022 Peacebuilding Institute has offered courses and training modules led by a team of experienced international faculty who possess a wide range of peacebuilding skills and experience. They employ participatory, interactive and creative teaching methods to stimulate meaningful listening and learning environments.
The full month includes classroom-based discussions, group activities, field visits, week-end teambuilding activities, panel presentations, special learning sessions, opening and closing ceremonies, football match and cultural solidarity night.